Our services
At 3hi Africa, our management structure combines responsible leadership and independent supervision.
Our #1 priority is our company culture. It’s what makes us successful. We believe that if we get the culture right, then most of the other stuff — like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring business — will be a natural by product. We’re always looking for ways to make life better – not only for our customers, but also for everyone working here. So, we embrace everything that makes you unique.
We are a diverse team made up of individuals from different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences and we value these differences – they are what make creativity and innovation flourish in our company. We are keen to attract and develop talented people who share our sense of purpose, by offering people working at 3hi Africa the best place to share their passion.

Hub of Ideas – We connect people with ideas. Together with our clients and a pool of experts we create a platform where amazing people meet and share great ideas. We specialize in projects, which bring groups together and create new experiences and relationships. We make big ideas happen, tackle big issues, empower everyone, have a global reach, remove barriers to participation, transform understanding, open new possibilities by creating new platforms.
Holistic Interventions – We work holistically hand in hand by developing a holistic approach for an effective consulting and also by changing processes for greater impact and more results.
Human Impact – We bring change and growth within our communities. We encourage our consumers to take a broader view of their role, embracing social responsibility, environmental concerns and other area that foster sustainable business development. Sustainable success requires the flexibility to adapt to a changing environment. Diversity shows the way for flexibility.

A tailor-made design – the right approach based on your need; You’ll receive a hands-on report so your marketing, sales and product development teams can get started right away! In this way can we obtain reliable results and give you substantive advice that you can use.
At 3hi Africa we use the Customer-centric approach in order to create a collaborative relationship between us and our customers. Together we thoroughly discuss your objectives in order to determine the right approach with the right test persons in the right circumstances.

Our team
Our Projects
Click the titles to view the details of the projects

Who we are
Our company, 3hi Africa, is a consultancy that helps organizations realize their intended goals with a holistic intervention and shared equity. Together we create a hub of ideas and impact humans. We are a team of international experts with extensive experience in Business, Non-profit Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations and in working with Communities and the Public Sector.
3hi Africa will be offering you high value-added consulting services related to the organization’s overall Strategy to help you transform your business environment for an effective sustainable change within your communities.
Established towards end of 2018, 3hi Africa is a social enterprise that focus on addressing basics unmet needs by offering creative and innovative products and services in order to help you transform your business environment through a market-driven approach. We are a team of international experts with extensive experience in Business, Non-profit Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations and in working with Communities and the Public Sector.
3hi Africa aims to encouraging our consumers to take a broader view of their role, embracing social responsibility, environmental concerns and other area that foster sustainable business development. We do this by offering them services related to the organization’s overall Strategy. We are all about sharing what we know in a way that will help our prospects and Transform business environment for an effective sustainable change.

Latest news
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